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POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER: Whittier Choice Community Open House

The Whittier Choice Neighborhood Initiative is a $30 million HUD grant awarded to the Boston Housing Authority and its residents of the Whittier Street housing development. As part of the grant, the Choice initiative is focused on three strategies – Housing, Neighborhood, and People.Join them for a community meeting at The Dewitt Center on Friday, June 7, 2019.


826 Boston Book Release Party + Open Mic

Student authors from 826 Boston have written a powerful book about identity, home, and self-love. This book release is to celebrate their art and invite others to the open mic at The Dewitt Center.


Boston Pulse Poetry: Our Voices Open Mic

Our Voices is a community open mic, open to the public at The Dewitt Center.


Karaoke Night @ The Dewitt Center

Do you think you have what it takes to be crowned The Dewitt Center Karaoke Champion?  Join us for an exciting evening of karaoke to find out!