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In Banker & Tradesman: Personnel File – No. 261
Boston-based Madison Park Development Corp. has hired Intiya Abrogli-Isaza as its new director of real estate. She was most recently a senior development manager at OppCo.

In The Bay State Banner: In the news: Intiya Ambrogi-Isaza
Intiya Ambrogi-Isaza has been named Madison Park Development Corporation’s new director of Real Estate.

PRESS RELEASE: Madison Park Development Corporation Introduces Director of Real Estate, Intiya Ambrogi-Isaza
Madison Park Development Corporation Introduces Director of Real Estate, Intiya Ambrogi-Isaza

In Banker & Tradesman: Personnel File
Madison Park Development Corp.
Roxbury-based Madison Park Development Corp. has named Ingrid Tucker, head of the Cambridge Montessori School since 2011, as its new deputy director.