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On The Scope: Boston: A summer heatwave could hurt Boston neighborhoods already suffering from COVID-19

As summer approaches and the social distancing measures necessitated by COVID-19 continue, Bostonians who lack consistent access to air conditioning in their homes face additional challenges and health risks.


In the BJC Bulletin from the Boston Jobs Coalition: BJC & MPDC distribute food to local residents

BJC & MPDC distribute food to local residents during COVID-19.


On BNN News: Making the Count and Serving Needs in Roxbury

Eva Ackerman, Fellow with the Madison Park Development Corporation, talks about efforts to reverse a history of undercounting on the US Census in Roxbury while helping families meet other needs during the COVID-19 outbreak. Interview for BNN News. Aired April 1, 2020.


In the Bay State Banner: Will you pledge to make sure your community counts in the 2020 Census?

Six months from now, on April 1, 2020, the U.S. census will be in full swing. This is our opportunity of the decade to get our fair share of public resources and political representation. The census will determine our political representation from city council to Congress.