In HP News: MyCAP, HYM Proposal Recommended by Roxbury Oversight Committee


On October 4th, 2022, High Profile News reported that the HYM Investment Group team, My City at Peace (MyCAP), has received a recommendation from the Roxbury Strategic Masterplan Oversign Committee (RSMOC) to continue onwards with the development of their 700,000 square ft. plan for building a life science, partly residential space that would uplift the Roxbury neighborhood through economic possibilities for local, minority-owned businesses and employment opportunities for community residents. The development plan would overtake the vacancy located at the intersection between Tremont and Whittier streets.

MyCAP’s proposal has been built in partnership with Madison Park Development Corporation, DREAM collaborative, The OnyxGroup, Lab Central Ignite, King Boston, and a plethora of other Boston-based landscaping agencies, affordable housing organizations, and non-profits.

Read the full article as it appears here.